
What to do when...


  1. Can't decide between private/Christian or public school. Been at private all life but new friends are at public. What do I do besides pray?

    1. Anon's comment below is helpful, too, but I wanted to say that it is your choice, and if you do choose public school, here are some helpful hints:

      Hope this helps. God will help you grow wherever you go as long as you conitnue to trust in Him. Good luck!

  2. Besides praying I would talk to your parents because as much as i hate to admit it they know more than us a lot of the time. Also, consider what you want to take in school and which offers the better education. Honestly I think this is an impressionable age and you are better off at a private school. I have been at a private school my whole life while I watched my friends go to public school. Many have fallen into drinking, partying, drugs and/or sex. I'm not saying you will necessarily but it would definitely be hard to stand up when 'everyone is doing it" If you are really comfortable in your faith and have friends that go to the public school that can stand by you I would say go for it if not it might be better to surround yourself with likeminded people that will help increase your faith rather than stifle it. This is just my opinion but it really is up to you. Good luck!

  3. What should I do? All my best friend talks about is boys and she is so dramatic. Its annoying because its litterly ALL she talks about.

    1. All you can really do is ask her to stop. And pray for her. I find that praying for friend to get over their immaturity speeds the process along. If she is really your best friend, she should be able to make a concious effort if you just politely tell her to stop. And if she gets worse or amps up the volume maybe you need some otherworldly intervention. Other than that, maybe she just feels unloved. I find most boy-crazy girls just want a chance at feeling love because they feel an absence of it. But my first step would be to pray about it.

    2. Ughhh I have been in the same position!!! I am really into sports and don't really care that much about guys but a lot of my friends do!!!
      Honestly what I would suggest is to maybe tell your friend that you dont care about guys, and that you care about her, but it kind of annoys you when she talks all about guys!!! Now this might be really awkward, but you can just maybe say it in kind of a silly/joking way, but enough serious she will hopefully get the message! Another suggestion is that maybe you should find some other friends!!! Or friends that only talk about guys 10% of less of the time:)

  4. Hey. I'm thirteen years old and have been a born again Christian since I was 7. My whole family actually are Christians too and found value of putting me into a Christian school. I really do enjoy it and most of my friends/classmates there are believers as well. One of my closest friends accepted God about a year ago with my help. I don't doubt that she does love God but we are still kind of different in terms of things that we should really consult God about too. In public school, I know that there are already a bunch of kids already dating but in a Christian school this stuff is new to my class. So this friend of mine started dating this guy in my class a few weeks ago. Most people in my class are okay with it, and as her friend, of course I want to be happy for her, but I can't. Like they only talk about each other, hug each other all the time, and they think that they are so ready to date. I'm not even sure If the guy has even accepted Christ. I tried confronting them about how maybe they should think about having a relationship is not just a non serious thing but they got mad at me and just won't listen. I want to keep our friendships and not argue about this all the time but I really don't know what to do.


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