

50 Things to Do This Summer

Check out our ultimate summer to-do list that will jumpstart your season and save you from end-of-summer boredom.

1. Write a letter to your best friend and send it via snail mail.
2. Go to a ball game.
3. Write a poem.
4. Cook dinner for your family.
5. Invent a new type of pizza.
6. Attend a play.
7. Memorize a Shakespeare sonnet in a British accent.
8. Build a sandcastle.
9. Go barefoot as much as possible.
10. Have a family photo shoot where you're the photographer.
11. Keep a summer journal or scrapbook.
12. Start a band.
13. Invent a new dance.
14. Visit the zoo.
15. Comment on the blog each week.
16. Build a time capsule with your friends and don't open it for 5 years.
17. Teach your grandparents how to use Facebook or Twitter.
18. Drink only water for two weeks.
19. Learn how to arrange flowers.
20. Roast marshmallows.
21. Bake cookies for your neighbors.
22. Eat a sno-cone.
23. Travel to another country or state.
24. Go on a road trip around your town.
25. Check out some other summer fun ideas.
26. Be gorgeous.
27. Read Philippians every day for a week.
28. Make a lifetime bucket list.
29. Learn origami.
30. Make a blanket fort at a sleepover.
31. Make a smoothie.
32. Make lasting friendships.
33. Try a new hairstyle.
34. Get fashion advice from your dad.
35. Paint your little sister's toenails.
36. Go without makeup for two weeks.
37. Pamper your hair with a hot oil treatment.
38. Use sunblock every day.
39. Take a fun quiz.
40. Have fun with your friends.
41. Start a blog.
42. Be a first-rate you.
43. Let your hair air-dry.
44. Paint a mural.
45. Treat your mom to lunch.
46. Learn to surf.
47. Try a new devotional.
48. Tell someone about Girls for God.
49. Hit the beach.
50. Make a new friend.

What will YOU do this summer? Share your ideas in the comment section.


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