

What to Pack for a Trip

Going on vacation? You can always tell the tourists from the locals by how they dress and how they always look a little lost and unprepared. Fit in like one of the locals with this guide! You can adjust this packing list to suit your needs, tweaking it so that it can work for a week-long vacation or a three-day road trip. You should also consider the weather conditions of your travel destination. With these tips on what to pack for a trip of any length, you won't have that feeling that you're forgetting something!

  • Choose tops that are comfortable so you have to worry about riding in a plane or car in something hot, tight, or itchy. Select shirts that can be dressed up or down so you can be prepared for anything. Shirts that are meant to be worn with a matching vest or jacket will just take up extra space in your suitcase.
  • Choose bottoms that are equally as comfortable and coordinate with many of your tops -- nothing too flashy or outlandish. A nice pair of jeans will work perfectly and can be dressed up or down, especially if they are dark-colored. Don't forget to pack shorts if you're going someplace hot. Plan on reusing your bottoms at least once during the trip since they usually won't get as dirty as your shirts.
  • If you're going somewhere nice, a modest, pretty dress would be a good idea. A sundress will work well as anything voluminous will take up too much space in your suitcase. You could also pack a little black dress for extra special occasions.
  • Don't forget to pack pajamas. Hotel rooms are always either too warm or too cold, so choose pajamas that are comfortable in any weather.
  • Comfortable shoes are a must. Skip the Uggs and try some chic boots for cold-weather climates or pretty sandals where it's sunnier. Flip flops don't add to your outfit at all, so it's a good idea to wear them only around the pool or beach. Don't even think about bringing Crocs.
  • Don't overdo it with your jewelry. Leave your good jewelry at home so it won't get lost or stolen. A simple necklace will work just fine and will give you a pretty look without making you look overdone. You can plan on wearing more jewelry if you're going someplace fancy, like the opera or a four-star restaraunt.
  • Scarves are cute, but they'll get annoying when traveling in hot places. Save them for winter trips.
  • Pack a cute, modest swimsuit. If you're going on a cruise, even in cool weather, you'll want to have one on hand. Hotels often have indoor pools, so you should make a point of packing one just in case.
  • A camera is always a must.
  • You should keep your makeup light during travel, especially if you're going someplace hot. Hours of driving or flying can really take a toll on how you feel, and having layers of heavy makeup will make you feel even worse. Mascara, lip balm, and compact powder and a little pink blush should work well, keeping your skin fresh and non-oily, as well as softening your lips, defining your eyes, and giving you a warm glow. Sweeping a little blush across your cheeks will make you look less tired. Waterproof mascara, though notorious for drying out your lashes, would be a good idea. Keep your makeup in a makeup bag and any liquids should be slipped into plastic bags in case they break. If you're traveling by plane, paying the carry-on luggage fee will ensure that your luggage doesn't get thrown around, causing makeup bottles to crack and leak.
  • Be sure to bring any toiletries you'll need. Sunblock is a must if you'll be spending any time outside. (For a little blemish-coverage, try a tinted sunblock with an SPF of at least 15.)
Send a photo of you on vacation and send it to me at for a chance to appear in the blog!

Going on a plane ride? Check out Melissa Renee's guide on what to wear to an airport.


  1. Aw, this is a week too late!
    But actually I did really well with packing this time.
    One adorable bathing suit too many though :P
    Haha, I'll send a pic. But I don't think I have anything you're looking for.

  2. Rachel,
    I do, too! You can get them at .


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