

What Does the Bible Say About Cussing?

Today it's not uncommon to hear your friends cussing all the time, and it's pretty easy to pick up on some of the bad language around you. You know God cares about what you do, but does He care about what you say?

Think about all the words you encounter every day. Newspapers, magazines, blogs, books, conversations -- it's no secret that words are important. The words you say matter. Your words mean something to someone. Yours words reveal your likes and dislikes, your passions, your attitude, and even your faith.

Matthew 15:11 says that "what comes out of the mouth defiles a person". James 3:10 tells us, "From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. Sisters, this should not be." Your words represent Christ. If what you say doesn't reflect His love, you might need to rethink your vocabulary.

God calls Christians to keep our words pure. We are to "put off all such things as anger, rage, malice, slander, abusive language from your mouth" (Colossians 3:8). Ephesians tells us to replace this talk with thanksgiving (and not the kind involving turkey). Instead of cursing and talking trash, God wants us to speak truth and love and to honor Him with our words.

"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." (Ephesians 4:29)
"Finally...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things." (Philippians 4:8)

Where are you exposed to the most bad language? Is it possible to remove yourself from those situations or people?


  1. I really like this post! I don't have to much trouble with this but I do say some things sometimes that my mom tells me not to. :( I am trying to work on it but sometimes it's hard when you get into the habit of saying it. Thanks for this post!


    1. Thanks, Haley! I'm the same way. It's a habit. That's why I really like what Ephesians says about replacing "filthy language" with "thanksgiving". It gives you a new, better habit to make in replacement of the old one!

  2. That is great post! I love you are doing! This is a really great post for all girls (and boys as well). Today, it seems like cursing is just part of the norm when it's just so "filthy". I especially hate it when I see it in movies because it gets stuck in your head and it feels like it will never come out! But I just thank God for a turn around and for this post! It really helps :) Great job!

  3. Hey this is such a great post! I've always told myself it didn't really matter what you said, as long as you were doing the right thing but now I realize God really does care about what comes out of your mouth. I am exposed to quite a bit of swearing at school but most of my friends don't. The thing is, I've noticed that the genuinely nice, friendly girls who are concerned about others, do cuss a little bit. Should I still be friends with them ?

    1. Some people will tell you that you need to be totally isolated from sin. I disagree -- you just can't live like that. You have stuff you deal with, and other people have theirs. So it's ok to be friends with them as long as you don't start adding their mistakes to your own. :)

  4. I have a really bad problem with cussing , but i just can't stop . It's starting to get out of hand i need help !

    1. Talk to God about it. Pray that He will help you rid yourself of this bad habit.
      Also have a good friend or two that shares your values. Ask them to hold you accountable and call you out when you cuss.

  5. This is awesome. It is hard being around people who constantly curse or post cuss words. I don't want to hear it or read it. It rubs off on you the more you hear it or read it. I love my Lord Jesus and try real hard to keep my words clean and up lifting. I know we all have the right to speak and say what we feel, But people can say what they want without cuss words in what they want to say. I want to please my Savior and I don't want him to hurt any more of what I hear or what I speak. Before I was saved by Jesus I had a mouth also. But when I let Jesus lead, so many things was easy to let go. You just have to lay all you have at his feet and he will work a in ways that will blow your mind. Replace bad with good.

    1. Awesome insight, Tammy. When you live for the Lord, you have more of a desire to please Him and not cuss.


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