

4 Easy DIY Hair Masks

Want soft, healthy hair without blowing your cash? These simple hair treatments can be made right in your kitchen.

Eggs are full of protein and nutrients for your hair. Just work two egg yolks into your hair in the shower and leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with cool water to make sure you don't end up with scrambled eggs in you hair.

BONUS TIP: You can use the whites of the eggs as a face mask!
Avocados are nature's lotion, filled with skin-loving emollients. While slathering your hair with guacamole might not seem appealing, it'll revitalize your scalp and hair unlike any commercial hair treatment. Apply one mashed avocado to damp hair and let it sit for up to 30 minutes. Rinse out, use a gentle shampoo, and say hello to healthy hair!
BONUS TIP: You can also used mashed avocado as a body lotion. Be sure to rinse off, unless you're going for the whole green thing.
Olive oil is my absolute favorite natural beauty product. One of its many wonders is its ability to restore dry, brittle hair. Just apply olive oil to damp hair from mid-shaft to ends. Sweep into a topknot bun, go about your day, and rinse with shampoo an hour later. Your hair will be sleek and smooth and chemical-free!
BONUS TIP: I use olive oil to wash my face every morning and night. It takes the place of my cleanser and my moisturizer and leaves my skin soft and clear.

While it may not smell too pretty, apple cider vinegar is great for adding shine to your hair without weighing it down. After shampooing, rinse hair with a cup of apple cider vinegar. Finish with cold water to wash away the acidic aroma.
BONUS TIP: Applying apple cider vinegar to your face (watch out for eyes!) can fade dark spots and acne scars over time.

1 comment:

  1. Great photos! I really like how your hair looks esp. with the braids. Nice post! Thanks for commenting on my blog, I'm following you back now :)


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