

Gifts For Less

Everyone likes to receive gifts, especially when thought was put into them. Unfortunately, as a teenager with no job, it is hard to spend much money on gifts. What's the solution? If you are not very artsy, and always seem to be broke around Christmas, then this is the gift guide for you!

Cheap: Movie night kit. Buy popcorn baskets, usually found at target or the Dollar Tree (Buy some like this for $1 ) Then buy any type of bagged popcorn, and insert a bag into the popcorn bucket (like this Only $2 for 3 bags) Finally, go pick out a box of candy to put in the bucket. What is your total price for the entire gift? About $3, which is less than the average cost of a matinee, or a matinee popcorn, or even a matinee candy!
Optional: Go buy a $1 movie from the Dollar Tree (Just for fun)

Really Cheap: Celebration Calendar. *WARNING: this gift, though incredibly fun and cheap, takes a lot of time, so don’t do this on Christmas Eve :).
Go to the Dollar Tree, General Dollar, and Family Dollar, and they all have $1 calendars. As long as you have pens/pencils/sharpies at home, this gift only costs a dollar for the calendar. Next, go to this website.
This is where the fun part comes in. In every day of the calendar, write down a holiday for that day. Put a note in the beginning of the calendar saying, “Every Day is A Reason to Celebrate!” Who knew that February 21th was National Sticky Buns day? ANYONE would be happy to receive this gift, and it only costs a dollar!

Free: Everyone underestimates the power of a heartfelt card. Costing no more than 10 cents for a piece of paper, this is the way to go. Simply take a piece of paper (you could also use decorated paper, about 25 cents) Fold it in half, and inscribe your message. Just because this is very cheap does not mean your words have to be also. Here is an example of a bad letter:

Dear Grandma,
Merry Christmas! Have a great year!

If you are going to write a letter, put time and effort into it, write at least ten reasons that you are thankful for your grandma, or your best memories, or even write a poem!
As you hopefully have seen, even if you are out of money, your gift can still get 5 stars! If you put in the time, effort, and love into your gift, then it will definitely be a hit!
Libbi H.


  1. I made Christmas cards for my friends the other day, and in each person's card I wrote about one of our inside jokes together -- because that makes a person smile, and lets you know that those times for a memory for me, too. Something simple yet really special.

  2. Emii,
    That is such a SWEET idea! I totally going to steal that. I love how it's so personal -- something you can't get at a store. I love gifts that force you to be creative. (:

  3. That is such a great idea! I am also going to have to steal it :)

  4. i love handmade gifts! especially giving them! oh so special! :)

  5. Great idea sharing gift idea's... I might do the same for my blog, but different idea's.. I'll think on it... Thanks for the great idea's, though! I needed some that were really inexpensive. :)

  6. Thanks for the great gift ideas! I'm doing the calendars:)

  7. Cool! I am making them for all of my friends and cousins :)


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