

10 Tips for Journaling with Jesus

Did you know journaling can help you connect with God? Renee Johnson, the Devotional Diva, has been journaling for a long time and wants to share her tips with you!

1. Pick A Secluded Spot. (“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door…Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." - Matthew 6:6).

2. Grab Your Favorite Bible, Devotional, Journal & Pen/Pencil.

3. Pick A Date/Time (Morning, Afternoon Evening, Bed Time).

4. Ask God To Be Your Friend. Replace Dear “Diary” with God. (See: Romans 5:8-11).

5. Discover Your Prayer [Journal] Language (See: Matthew 6:5-15).

6. Use What You’ve Got To Find Something New (Start with writing down a Bible verse from your daily quiet time, then finish by journaling your own personal thoughts).
7. Start With Praise.

8. DO NOT GIVE UP! (See: Galatians 6:9-10 & “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” - Matthew 7:7-8, NLT).

9. Warning: No Guilt. Pick Up Where you Left Off. (Refuse to worry if you missed a day or three).

10. God Will Do What He Promised You! (See: Psalm 37:5 & Matthew 25:23. If you find yourself needing an accountability partner to keep you in check to stay in the Word daily, don’t hesitate to ask a best friend, myself, a mentor or pastor).

Renee Johnson is a spirted speaker and writer to 20-somethings. She is known as the "Devotional Diva" to all her blog readers. Her ministry goal is to challenge you to dig deeper and move forward in your faith. She is the author of Faithbook of Jesus: Connecting with Jesus Daily, a book that will help you connect and chat with God in a relevant way. You can grab a copy here.


  1. I absolutely LOVE this blog!! <3 I'll HAVE to visit again soon! Stop by my blog if ya get the time, but if not it's no big deal. ;-) God Bless y'all!
    ~Rach <3

  2. Sierra,
    Thanks! Renee Johnson did a great job.

    Thanks! I'm glad you like it. I'm checking out your blog right now.

  3. would you mind sending tohe picture to me for the contest again? I did not get it!

  4. This is really cool, i am totally going to start writing in a journal, i am going to start reading this blog more

  5. wow iam defo gonna create a prayer journel now!!!!xxx

  6. Chloe,
    Yay!! I have trouble keeping up with my journal (I'm the kind of person who starts something great but can never finish it), but I really admire those who can. And I know that for the days I do stick with it, it makes a HUGE difference in my attitude that day, just spending a few moments with God.


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