

+50 Things to do in Winter

Wondering how to spend the rest of winter? These ideas will get you cozy in no time!
1. Relax in a hot tub – when it’s snowing!
2. Make hot chocolate with milk instead of water (and don’t forget the marshmallows).
3. Bundle up in comfy oversize sweaters, long leggings, and chic boots.
4. Slough off dead skin with a sugar scrub.
5. Read at least two great books – and tell me what they are!
6. Give yourself a pedicure, just for fun. You’ll instantly feel prettier.
7. Make snow angels.
8. Take pictures of your pets and siblings in the snow.
9. Buy at least one really cute scarf. (Try Target.)
10. Get a really cute coat that you wouldn’t normally buy and wear it all the time.
11. Start a discussion on the Girls for God Facebook page.
12. Swirl your hair into a messy up-do and wear your scarf and coat. Trés chic!
13. Make apple cobbler with your mom.
14. Donate blankets to your local homeless shelter.
15. Play Monopoly with your dad.
16. Go see a play with your family.
17. Stop by your local animal shelter and take home a furry friend.
18. Leave a comment – LOTS of comments – on the GFG blog!
19. Try your hand at painting, sewing, or sketching.
20. Grab some apple cider and snuggle up in your bed with a Bible.
21. Visit your grandparents.
22. Help your mom cook dinner.
23. Invite your friends over for snacks and a Bible study (and do it again in a few weeks).
24. Play classical music throughout your house.
25. Draw a picture or write a poem on why you love winter.
26. Pray for a friend who’s going through some tough times.
27. Send a homemade card to someone you miss.
28. Write down 4 of your favorite Bible verses and tape them in random spots around your room.
29. Rearrange your bedroom furniture.
30. Throw away old makeup you don’t use anymore.
31. Wear fuzzy socks with pride.
32. Resist the urge to buy Uggs.
33. Get a haircut that you haven’t had before.
34. Pretend your ramen noodle soup was prepared by master French chefs and eat with gusto.
35. Check out the One Voice blog to see what else I’m up to.
36. Join Operation Beautiful.
37. Make a little recipe book of yummy-sounding things your mom never makes.
38. Cook one meal a week for six weeks from your recipe book.
39. Paint your little sister’s nails.
40. Think about Jesus’ sacrifice for you.
41. Start a blog and tell me about it. (I’ll give you some tips through email if you’d like.)
42. Write a song and play it for your family.
43. Take a picture of your house all decorated and strung with lights.
44. Do a photo shoot of yourself in the snow.
45. Go without makeup for 2 weeks.
46. Read John 3:16 out loud for the millionth time.
47. Make a fire in your fireplace. (Be careful!)
48. Read by the fire.
49. Play a game with your siblings.
50. Send a homemade card to your aunt telling her how cool she is.
51. Think about all you’ve done this winter and thank God for this blog!
52. Read the GFG blog every day and tell all your friends about it!


  1. long lists of holiday suggestions make me reeeeally happy and i feel like i have to do ALL of them!

  2. Libbi,
    Thanks! Your new default pic is beautiful by the way. (:

    YOU make me reeeeally happy. (:

  3. Great ideas! Sounds like you must have a lot of fun during the winter. It's my least favorite time of year, but I have to admit there's still a lot of great options for activities (not just vegging in front of my tv for four months!)

  4. this is so nice! I like nr 7, 34 and 48.
    they are my favorites :D

    ps: maybe you like to join my givaway?



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