

Should You Wear Eyeliner?

You don’t have to be Goth to appreciate what eyeliner can do. It can define your eyes, making them stand out and “pop”. It can give you the appearance of thick, dark lashes. But is that all it can do?
Don’t be fooled into thinking eyeliner is all good. It’s tempting when you start wearing it to put more and more on. But if you don’t apply it correctly, don’t use the right kind for you, and don’t ever leave the house without it, it has become a problem.
So should you wear eyeliner? The answer varies from person to person. Some people look great with a little eyeliner. Others just look fake. The last thing you want is someone coming up to you and saying you wear too much makeup (yes, it’s happened to me, and for a while I wore even more to show that I didn’t care). I created some basic guidelines to help you answer this question for yourself. Keep in mind that this advice isn’t written in stone – if you like a little heavy eyeliner, go for it. If you think you’d look better without it, that’s fine.

If you’re a brunette, you can wear eyeliner better than anyone else can, although it isn’t necessary. It doesn’t look too overpowering on you if you apply it correctly. Black or brown varieties will look great on you.

If you’re a blonde, you shouldn’t use too much eyeliner. Yes, it can make your eyes pop, but it can also look fake if you apply too much. There are other options besides black pencil eyeliner. You can use a gold pencil or dark eyeshadow and an eyeliner brush to for more natural looking lashes.

If you’re a redhead or auburn girl, you look best with very little makeup. If you must wear eyeliner, find a pretty golden brown and line your top lashes.

If you’re African-American, follow the same guidelines listed for brunettes, but remember that less is more and you should let your glowing skin take center stage.


  1. the new background is so cute! :)

  2. Courtney,

    I'm glad, too. =) Thanks!
    You're not being weird -- it's better to wear LESS makeup than MORE, always.

  3. Personally, I don't like to wear eyeliner, becuz I can never get it to look light and natural, not heavy, by thanks for the post! And no Sierra, you are NOT weird to not wear makeup. I don't wear makeup alot, either, except for today, actually, but its the first in a while!
    Love the new bacground too!

  4. I definetely agree with you Melissa!! I used to wear a purple eyeliner, but I finally felt that it was just way to much, and switched to using eyeshadow as my eyeliner. Its just dark enough for you to see, but isn't overpowering.


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