

Never Have a Bad Hair Day Again

Even supermodels have bad hair days, so how can you ward off the floppy, flyaway, what-is-my-hair-DOING days? Here’s how to have a great hair day – every day!

Find a good shampoo that works for you…and stick with it. Your hair doesn’t “get used” to a product, so when you find one you love, keep using it. Sometimes bad hair days are a result of changing your shampoo routine too frequently or switching to a product that doesn’t agree with your hair.

Try using conditioner after you shampoo. By softening the hair and weighing it down a little, it can help tame flyaways. If your hair is very oily, only use it on the ends of your hair as a way to prevent split ends. If your hair is very dry or curly, try a leave-in conditioner that you use after your shower. Watch out: Too much conditioner can make your hair so soft and floppy that you won’t be able to do anything fun with it.

Buy a good hairspray to use when your style needs extra hold. Don’t put on too much, though, or your hair will be stiff and dull. If you wear contacts, close your eyes while you spray.

Give dirty hair a quick cleaning job by putting some baby powder on your brush and running it through your hair to soak up excess oil. When she was a teenager, my mom would get shampoo and wash just her bangs, which start looking greasy before the rest of your hair. If your bangs are clean, the rest of your hair will look a little cleaner, too.

Have a plan B. Whether you’re taking over the world or trying to convince your parents to extend your curfew, you should always have a backup plan if things go wrong. Sometimes you’re just not going to get the big curls you wanted, and you’ll be left with flat, messy hair. A cute hat, a high ponytail, or a chic messy bun are all lifesavers in situations like these.


  1. Melissa,

    You don't understand how amazingly handy these tips were! I needed those today because my "thin" hair looks like...well, I don't know what it looks like, but it looked really bad down so I made a list of the things I need to help stop this from happening again. lol!

    Thanks for the fall fashion tips! Which of the items have your or do you plan to stock up on?

    Ooh, and are you still considering doing a modest fashion show or posts about the fabulous outfits you wear?


  2. Courtney,
    Thanks! I'm glad you liked them.

    Glad I could help! I have been wanting some Oxfords for a long time now but will probably never get some. I am still considering the modest fashion show, but that would have to wait for the future because I don't have the time to do it now.

  3. THANKYOU I hate ad hair days......ut usually I just pull my hair back into a bun you know, some days i just dont want to mess wit it. Great Tips (:

  4. None of these tips will work for me. :( I have extremely curly hair, so I need all the excess oil I can get. I never shampoo because it takes all the oil off of my hair and that makes it frizzy. I use some coconut bar soap on my hair when I've gone swimming in a lake, or in chlorine water. When I have a bad hair day I have to take a shower or put it in a messy bun.


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