

Join our Team!

Do you love to write? Do you have an eye for fashion, a way with hair, a love of makeup, or a calling to share God’s love with others? Consider joining the Girls for God Team!

I’m looking for writers who want to put themselves “out there” into the online blogging community and gain experience and readership. It’s the perfect opportunity for you to share what you love. Share a favorite recipe, an embarrassing moment that taught you a lesson, or a guide to being active in your faith. If you’re good with a video camera, consider making a quality video tutorial showing how to create a subtle smoky eye or the best fashions for any shape and size. You’ll get hands-on experience and you’ll be a part of something great. You will be helping Girls for God spread our mission to energize the faith, fashion, and well-being of girls across the globe. Do you have another gift besides writing? Perhaps you could write a song and post a video of it, design an awesome logo or reinvent the blog’s look (if you’re a tech-savvy diva, that is).

The Good-to-Know Stuff: As a team member, you’ll be expected to update the blog with a quality post at least every other week, preferably every week. If we can assign certain days to certain people, that would be even better. You won’t get paid, but you’ll gain valuable experience, readership, and skills. We will work together as a team, contributing to the blog as best we can. You can also choose to promote the blog with whatever means you have (your own blog or website, Facebook, Twitter, word of mouth, etc.). If you’re good at web or graphic design, you do not have the same schedule as everyone else as we don’t need a new logo every week. :)

The Gotta-Know Stuff: If you’re interested and want more info, email me at . Feel free to ask questions. If you still want to pursue this, I will send you a quick application form to fill out and send to me. You should also prepare a sample of your work (writers would include an article or two, video savvies would post a link to one of your videos, etc.).

Work on our Website! We will also have a website running soon, so you can also choose to contribute articles or videos to that once it’s finished.

If you know someone who would be interested, please let them know about this opportunity!


  1. This is an awesome idea Melissa!

  2. Thanks! I hope people will want to get involved. :)

  3. I emailed you, hopefully it went through :)

  4. do any teens here ever doubt their faith?

  5. Melissa,

    I can't say that I've ever seriously doubted my faith, since I'm pretty hard-headed and once I believe something, I'm not easily swayed.

    At the same time, I'm not always firm in my faith.

    It's OK to doubt your faith as long as you take it to God and ask Him to help you.


Got something to say? Share your thoughts with other teen girls and young women just like you. Thanks for taking the time to comment. I promise to respond! (: