

Is the College Experience All There Is?

He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1:6)

Being a freshman in college is an amazingly strange feeling. I'm taking classes that have challenged me to think creatively (and actually study). I'm paying for my own groceries, my own gas, my own phone bill. I'm learning to get involved, re-learning how to make friends, and sometimes I'm even partying. But is the college experience all there is?

A lot of us go to college to pursue the American dream. We can party for the first two years, make some crazy friends and collect even crazier stories. The last two years of college is when we are supposed to clean up our act, getting interviews, setting up our career, and finding Mr. Right as if the past two years never happened. Once we get our white picket fence, loving spouse, and our 2.5 kids, is that it for us? Is there anything else to pursue?

The truth is that the college experience is great, the American dream is great, and God still has even greater gifts and experiences waiting for you. Life isn't about skipping from one party, experience, city, job, or goal to another. God gave you this life so you can grow in the process. Your job is not to have fun in college and achieve success later in life, although those things are great. You are filled with a divine purpose to become more like Christ.

God has given you the power to change the world. What are you doing right now -- in your high school, in your university, in your home, and in your city to spread the love of Christ? When people see the way you live, do they see purpose and joy and determination? That is your goal, above all else. That is the life we all need to pursue. Everything else will fall into place.

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God. (Philippians 1:9-11)


  1. Oooh girl love this post! And I agree 100% life is about becoming like Christ and growing wherever God had placed us. I totally needed to read this right now since I have to decide where I am going to go to college, it's a big step and honestly it used to scare me. But I know that if I put my trust in God, everything will work out to his plan and glory.

    1. Glad you liked it! Good luck on your senior year and choosing the right college. Yes, you want to choose somewhere you can see yourself staying for four years, but also remember that you can "bloom wherever you're planted". :)

  2. So true! And I'm actually not in High School! I dropped out and started doing Homeschool again and then sort of stopped that and now I'm working part(ish) time and working on my blog and photography business. What are you going to college for?

  3. That's cool! Just know you might have to work a little harder to get into college because of that. I'm an English/Spanish double major. I want to teach English in Spain and South America, but we'll see :) Would you major in photography or something else?

  4. Loved this post. I chose not to go to college since I had full time work outside of high school. My husband is now working on his bachelors degree and planning to go for his master's/doctorate and sometimes I ended up feeling a little "left out". So thanks for the great reminder. ~Jess

    PS I taught English in Brazil in 2010! LOVE LOVE LOVED it!!! :D

    1. It's great to see how there's not one path for everyone. College helps but it isn't the only way to be successful. And that's awesome! I'm sure you have a ton of stories.


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