

5 Ways to Have a Merry Christmas

1. Listen to Christmas music. The cheery songs you’ve known since you were old enough to talk can really put you in the Christmas spirit. The best ones help you think about Christ coming to earth as a baby and all the events leading up to it. Tired of the traditional renditions in every department store and radio station? Scope out classic songs covered by up and coming artists.

2. Give to those you love.
We give gifts every year to family and friends to remember the wise men bringing gifts to Jesus after he was born. A good gift doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. Check out our ultimate Christmas gift guide for everyone on your list, or try your hand at all the handmade gift ideas on our Pinterest.

3. Bake yummy treats.
The only thing I love more in the world than food is dolphins. Since your neighbors probably won’t appreciate your thoughtful gift of a 400-pound Flipper, a plate of homemade cookies and other sweets can make a thoughtful (and tasty) gift. Find a ton of delicious recipes here.

4. Get involved with your community.
For some people, Christmas is the loneliest time of the year. Many people don't have loved ones to celebrate with, a roof over their heads, clothes to keep them warm, or even their next meal. You can help give back this season by volunteering at your local food bank or soup kichen, donating used clothes, or cooking meals for needy families in your community. You can make a difference in someone's life by showing them Christ's love and care.
5. Know Christ.
While getting presents and wearing ugly Christmas sweaters is fun, the real reason we get together to celebrate Christmas is to remember how Jesus, God's perfect and holy Son, came to earth as a human baby to endure the world's pain and alleviate suffering. He humbled himself to a vulnerable state so that we can be saved from the turmoil that comes from a life without Christ. Read the Christmas story in Luke 2:1-20. Keep your Savior in mind this Christmas season and remember what He went through for you.
What do YOU do to have a merry Christmas? Leave a comment!

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