

Faith Friday: Knowing When to Listen

Today's culture encourages people to speak their mind more and more. While this is good, listening has become a lost art. According to the Bible, if we focus on listening, we will have less focus on anger. Sound good? Keep reading.

When I hear the word "listen", I instantly think of my iPod. Isn't it funny how we can spend hours listening to fist-pumping music and memorizing lyrics, but when it comes to listening to what people say, we're lost. The word "listen" has a somewhat negative connontation -- it sounds like an order to pay attention to something boring. Not something on my to-do list, for sure.

Listening isn't just about respecting someone else. It has a lot in it for you. It can help you develop great friendships, relationships, and even careers. It's easy to think of it as sitting through a lecture, but in reality, listening lets you soak up tons of information that you can use every day.

God's Word makes it clear that listening is a quality we should all try to develop.
Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.
- James 1:19-20

James said that everyone should be:
  • Quick to Listen: be ready in every situation and pay attention to what other people are saying and how it applies to you
  • Slow to Speak: think about what you are about to say
  • Slow to Become Angry: keep calm and give others grace
Sounds pretty simple, right? But is this how you live on a daily basis? It's easy to tune people out, but once that becomes a habit, it becomes easier to tune God out as well.

Finally, why does God want you to think before you speak and make listening a habit? Because it can prevent you -- and others -- from getting angry later on. Verse 20 says, "Anger does not produce the righeousness that God desires." If you want to live a righteous life, listening is a step in the right direction.

Which habit do you need to develop most in your life: being quick to listen, slow to speak, or slow to become angry?


  1. Thanks for this post! This particular verse in James has been popping up a lot lately, and I think God really wants me to take notice of what He has to say through it. And maybe, even learn to listen to Him more too. :)

    God bless you all!

    1. I love it when a verse keeps popping up in your life. It must be God's way of saying, "Pay attention!"

    2. A lot of times I just don't want to listen to anybody unless it is me,I always think that my way is the right way. But I know I'm wrong. It is not my choice of where to take my life, it's god's choice.

  2. Slow to become angry. I don't hardly ever get angry with my friends, but when it comes to my family I sometimes just blow up for no reason. :(


    1. Well Don' t feel like your the only one. My family can drive me CRAZY!!I have 2sisters and 2 brothers. also my parents are divorced, so my house is really overwhelmed a lot...

    2. I have 2 little brothers and 2 little sisters too. It can get crazy!

    3. I know! My daily schedule is already mad enough! Yoh should see my house off schedule! But believe me, the 3 year old is the cutest.

  3. Wow! I found you on Pinterest and I'm SO glad I did! This blog is a gem! I love what you're saying because I was actually just talking about the art of listening to a friend of mine and it does seem to be a lost art....but it's soooo necessary-especially for Christians because God is always wanting to reveal His ways to us and use us! So thanks for this post! I will definitely share it with my friends! :)

    1. I love Pinterest. :)

      Thanks for stopping by! I constantly have to remind myself to keep my ears and eyes open for what God is telling me.

  4. This post is so encouraging;) I think I need to work on being slow to speak and quick to listen because I have so much to say a lot of the time and I often forget to let others express their opinions and I don't always think before I speak which can get me into all kinds of trouble! :O

    1. Thanks! I know, it's super hard. But worth it. :)


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