

DIY Lace Shorts

Wish your shorts were just a few inches longer? Want to add some extra style to your outfit? With a little lace, denim, and sewing, you can have the perfect pair of shorts.

1. First, you'll want to find a pair of shorts to use. If this is your first time trying this fun project, start with a pair that didn't cost you a month's allowance. This look works only if you are sparing with the lace -- don't expect to add an extra foot of fabric to your shorts.

2. Get some lace. You can buy it at craft stores for pretty cheap, or see if your grandmother or crafty friend has some on hand. This is easiest if you find a roll of lace specifically made for trim.

3. Use pins to secure the lace on the denim exactly the way you want it.

4. Using a sewing machine and a sturdy needle, sew the lace onto the denim. Stop and remove each pin as you approach it.

5. Make any final adjustments, snap a photo, and send it to to be featured on the blog!


  1. What a fabulous idea! I love it and when I get time I will try it.

    Looking forward to the end result =)

    1. Thanks! And thanks for following on Pinterest! (:


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