

Back to School Fashion

Can you believe it? Summer is almost over! Don’t let the new school year sneak up on you. Go back to school in style with Girls for God.
You’ve probably heard this before, but while you’re in school, your education should be your main focus. Don’t let your clothing choices distract you (or your friends) from their work. Distracting clothes include words scrawled across the back of your pants, low-cut or too-tight shirts, miniskirts, short shorts, and crazy colorful outfits. It’s a good idea to check with school guidelines to see what’s allowed and what’s not in terms of clothing. You wouldn’t want to be sent home on your first day because your shoes don't fit the dress code!
If you’re luckier than I am (my high school has uniforms), then you will probably want to do some back-to-school shopping with your mom. Choose modest clothes that are comfortable and express your sense of style. (You’ll feel less out-of-place if you’re happy with what you’re wearing.) A good pair of close-toed shoes is a must. You’ll also want some sneakers for gym class.
Clothes that are pretty but aren’t too tight, short, or thin are great for school. It’s a good idea to stick with the 2-3 Color Rule, which I’ll discuss later, when putting together an outfit, especially one you’ll wear in class. A nice dark-washed pair of jeans are a necessity, as are solid-color tees.
When it comes to accessories, try not to pile on your jewelry, hair clips, and scarves. Simple, minimalist accessories will look much better and will make you feel more free to move around. (Imagine gym class with big earrings, chunky bangle bracelets, and a scarf around your neck. Not fun.)
While you don't want to be distracting, you don't want to be boring, either. Let your clothes be an expression of your individual style! People judge by appearances before anything else, so dress to impress.

Got amazing back-to-school style? Snap a pic of you in your favorite school outfit and send it to for a chance to appear on the blog or newsletter!


  1. I liked this!
    I'm getting my first day of school outfit ready.
    I go to regular school several times a week, but I'm still considered homeschooled.

    How is your first year of public school going?

  2. Thanks!
    I start on Monday. I'm really stressed out, but I think it's going to be OK.

  3. It will be.
    Don't worry.
    God has it under control.


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