

Got a question? Need advice? Want to support us through writing, prayer, promotion, giveaways, interviews, affilation, etc.? We'd love to hear from you! Please send us an email at . Thank you!


  1. I am going to 7th grade it my year where highschools look at me.I will like to go to the privite school Preston it best highschool anyone can go to!I feel it to much persure to deal with.How do I juggle school,family,friends,and time for myself?

  2. I'll try to help you in a future post! (:

  3. Hi! Love the blog! I have a question about hair. I have incredibly thick hair that is semi-curly and mostly frizzy. While I do have the "functional" hairstyles like the bun and simple back-of-the-head braid, I'm really looking for some great hairstyle advice. Are there any cute hairstyles -- or some tips and tricks -- I can do with my thick hair? I really love your blog. Thank you so much for the great advice on life and modesty! It's helped me so much! :-)

    1. Thanks! I have the opposite problem -- I would love to have bigger hair! But I will definitely be thinking of some hairstyles for thicker hair. You can also try smoothing it with different styling products like anti-frizz serums and creams.

  4. i've just broken up with my boyfriend. He's REALLY upset. What should i do? It's all my fault and i feel terrible! please help! thanx x

  5. Thank you for making this blog. I stumbled across it while blog-hopping and i really, really like it.

    1. Thank you so much! I'm so glad you like it. Stick around! :)

  6. Hey! I was wondering if you let guests blog? I want to start my own blog but my parents say to try guest blogging first... Thanks :D

    1. Sometimes, yes. Shoot me an email at

  7. Hi! Me and my best friend that i go to church with have decided that the next step for following God is to create a bible study. I made a website and everything called "Girls 4 God". We had no idea that there was even anything else out there with the same name. Do you think we could possibly use the name still? I am SO sorry. We are 12 years old and both LOVE your blog!

    1. I think it's awesome that you and your friend started a bible study. If you didn't already know about it, I don't mind you still using the name, but if your ministry grows, it may confuse people later and that wouldn't be good for either of us! :)

  8. Hey
    I'm 14 and theres a guy in my grade who is like a really close brother. I found out yesterday that he likes me. I don't think of him that way,what should I do.

    1. Hi! Here would be my advice for you because I have had the same thing...You don't want to lead the guy on and make him think you like him back, but you can still continue to be nice to him. Just try to act like you did before you knew that he liked you!
      Hope this helps!

  9. Can we type advice for others? :)

  10. I really like tgis guy and I have liked him for a long time now. We used to talked bu then I stopped talking to him a sunday ago my friend told him I liked him. We stopped talking a long time ago should I start talking to him and if yes how do I?

  11. Hey! I have followed your blog ever since I was 13 (I am 16 now) I have enjoyed it so much and I have found so much great advice. I feel like it is my mission to bring other girls closer to God, so I have been thinking about creating a blog a bit like this one so I can share my thoughts as well (I won't steel your ideas, I just want some advice). I was just wondering how you found all the posts about beauty and makeup and such. Did you make them up, or did you get them from pintrest or something? I don't want to plagiarize. Do you have any advice?

    1. I'm glad you want to start a blog to share your passion! When I first started this blog I read a lot of books and articles about beauty and fashion and incorporated that into posts along with my own thoughts. Later I realized I wanted to have a clear independent voice and did not want to plagiarize, so 90% of what is on the blog is my own thoughts and experiences that I've accumulated throughout the years, and 10% is related to things I've read or heard. My advice is that if you're ever going to use someone else's ideas, be sure to always reference them as your original source! I didn't understand the concept when I began my blog (I was only 12) but now I wish I had. Good luck!


Got something to say? Share your thoughts with other teen girls and young women just like you. Thanks for taking the time to comment. I promise to respond! (: