

10 Cute Date Ideas

As cute and sweet as dates can be, sometimes they’re downright awkward. Here are some low-pressure ideas for your next outing that will give both of you a chance to relax and have fun.

1.  Have a photo shoot. If you have an aspiring photographer as a friend, bring them along. Otherwise whip out your phone or your old point-and-shoot and head somewhere with interesting scenery, such as an old part of town or a sunny field. Don’t forget to bring snacks in case someone gets the munchies. (Check out my favorite photography tips.)

2. Go to the theatre. Seeing a play together will not only make you feel cultured and classy, but you’ll also be helping support creativity in your community. Have fun with it – it’s ok to get all dolled up every now and then!

3.  Cook dinner. They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, so why not get him involved and cook dinner? You could even serve it to his family (or yours). Turn on some fun music and find a good recipe. (Check out my Pinterest for yummy recipes and treats.)

4. Go biking. Grab some bikes and water bottles and spend the day cruising around your neighborhood. Exercising with someone else is a great way to keep you motivated and have fun while working out.

5. Explore your town. Scout out the best restaurants you’ve never heard of and look for things to do locally. Does your town have a burger joint that’s been around forever? Is there a weekend farmer’s market to visit? Have you driven past a skating rink or miniature golf course?

6. Try out a church or youth group you’ve never visited. If you go to a small church, take your boyfriend along to experience the worship in a mega-church. If attend a huge church, find a humbler place of worship nearby. Every church you come across has something unique about it – find out what it is!

7. Refresh his wardrobe. Shopping is nowhere near the top of your guy’s to-do list, but next time he needs new clothes, have him take you along. You can give him much-needed style advice and take him to lunch afterward. (Makes sure he rolls up the sleeves of his button-up shirt. That is how you do it, boys.)

8. Have an all-day double-date. Grab some paired-up friends and spend the day doing a fun activity, shopping, and eating. Hanging out with friends is a great way to spend time together without putting yourself in compromising situations.

9. Go to the fair. Find out when a nearby fair or carnival is coming to town. Candy apples, ferris wheels, and fried everything – what could be better?

10. Go to a Christian concert. Find out concert dates for artists like Casting Crowns, Tenth Avenue North, Jeremy Camp, Chris Tomlin, and more. You’ll both leave encouraged and smiling.

Quick tip! When you’re dating, it’s great to go out and do things with other people. This can help you keep things in check and prevent you from going too far with your boyfriend.
 What is your idea of a perfect date?


  1. Cool:) I like those ideas. Sounds fun! Thanks for sharing!

  2. You're the same age as me and you are seriously doing an amazing job with your blog!! I love it!! Thanks for these awesome ideas!!


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