

5 Ways to Spend Spring Break

Make the most of your time off with these fun and productive ideas.

1. Go on a family day-trip. Hop in the car and explore a nearby city. Eat where the locals gather and find something fun to do that's unique to the town you're perusing.

2. Give yourself a spa day. Treat your hair to an easy DIY hair mask and start the week right by giving yourself a perfect manicure.

3. Make a new friend. Invite an "unpopular" girl to the movies. You cover the tickets, she covers the popcorn, and you have a chance to build a relationship with someone who may be in need of a Christian friend.
"Encourage one another and build each other up."
- 1 Thessalonians 5:11 
4. Invite a friend over and cook dinner for your family. You can find some yummy recipes on my Pinterest, or make some simple desserts if cooking dinner isn't your thing. Send some home with your friend so she her family can taste your masterpiece, too.

5. Spend some time with God. Spring Break is a great time to have some fun and relaxation away from school. In the midst of the activities you've planned, don't forget to make time for your Creator. Perhaps this is the week to start a new devotional or get back on your Bible reading program. Maybe this is the perfect time to just pray and see what God is doing in your life. Whatever your plans this week, put God at the top of your list.
"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."
- Matthew 6:33
 What do you have planned for Spring Break? Leave a comment!


  1. Yay, glad you are back! These are fantastic ideas. :)

  2. Thanks so much for posting this! I deff. needed ideas for spring break and well, here are ideas! lol Melissa, you are wonderful young lady, I love your blog!! <3

  3. Planning on spending spring break at the beach with my family. Super excited to have a break from school and cold weather.


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