

Helpful Hints for Public School

I have always been home schooled, but this year I'm going to public school for eighth grade.  Do you have any tips?

I can totally relate to your situation!  I was home schooled from kindergarten through eighth grade, and this last year for ninth grade I went to public school.  I was nervous as well, and I had no idea what to expect.  (I was even worried on how I would sharpen my pencil!)  Here are some practical tips that I hope will help you in your transition:


Go on a fun shopping trip to the mall to stock up on trendy school supplies and a few new outfits.  (One of the best things about school is that it gives you an excuse to get some cute clothes!)  I found a lot of my school supplies at pbteen.  Right now, they even offer free shipping on backpacks and lunch bags.  Here are some of my favorites:
You will also want a folder for each class, big erasers, a bunch of lined paper, a calculator, a ruler, and a lot of pencils.  I found that I liked mechanical pencils a lot better than "real" ones. 

When you get your schedule of what classes you are taking, I recommend looking at a map of your school to see where you will go for each class.  It's much easier to map it out ahead of time, rather than figuring out where you are supposed to be on the first day of school!

 Helpful Hints:
  • Don't try to carry all of your heavy textbooks around in your backpack at one time.  Stop at your locker in between classes to get what books you need, and store the ones you don't.
  • Plan out ahead of time with your friends where you will sit for lunch.  This eliminates the awkward moment of standing in the lunch room, scanning for a place to sit.
  • Stand up for what you believe is right.  Peer pressure is a huge deal in school, and it's easy to get sucked into our ungodly culture.  There were many times in school when I had to speak up for my faith.  Here is a great saying that I try to live by:  "Always stand for what is right, even if you are standing alone."
  • Always report bullying.  When people think of the word "bullying" they usually picture a big, mean-faced lug punching a little kid with glasses.  Most of the time, however, bullying is a little more subtle.  Verbal jabs can hurt just as much or more as a physical beating.  During my first couple of weeks at school, a kid started shoving me around repeatedly.  I talked to my parents about it, and they called my school and the principal resolved it.  Always tell an adult!
  • Choose your friends wisely.  Friends can either bring you down or lift you up.  If they are constantly gossiping, making rude remarks, or not displaying the fruits of the spirit in their lives, consider finding some nice, Christian girls who will help you in your walk with God.
Remember that God is always with you.  If you are feeling nervous, take your worries to Him.  Pray throughout the day - it will keep you feeling closer to Jesus.  Believe it or not, He cares about the little details in our lives!  Pray for help on a test, or friend trouble.  He will give you His peace, and help you in this new, exciting stage in your life.

Do you girls have any advice for this lovely reader?


  1. Thank you for this excellent advice!!! It is really helpful. I love this blog! :)

  2. Just be yourself! You will hear ppl say, don't be yourself so you can fit in! But then are you fitting in with the right ppl? Most likey not!

    1. Good advice! I'm so glad you liked this post!

  3. I might share my thoughts on this in a later post. I have been homeschooled, private schooled, online schooled, and public schooled. It's been a horrible transition every time and I have to say that my favorite is public school. You have so many opportunities that you honestly don't have anywhere else. You'll make lots of new friends and you'll have more chances to share Jesus through your actions.

    My biggest tip would probably be to be nice to EVERYONE. Even if they are scary or mean or not your "type". If you're nice to people, they'll usually respond in the same way, and you'll be known for that. And while you're being nice to everyone, be on the look-out for a few people who really stand out to you and try to get closer to them. Good luck! I wish you the best! (:

  4. Funny for me...I was in public school when I was in kindergarten, then I was in private school for 8 yrs after that. This year, I'm actually starting home school online! (Connections Academy). I'm in 10th grade now. I really wish I had these tips during Middle School (especially the advice about not carrying ALL of your books on your back!!!) That would have been very helpful. However, I really love this blog!

    1. I did Connections Academy for my second semester of sophomore year. It was my parents' idea and not for me, but I think for the right person it can work.

    2. Good luck! I'm glad you like the advice!!

  5. Oh my goodness! This girl is going through the EXACT same thing I am, and this helps so much! I have been homeschooled my whole life, and am going to public school for 8th grade this year. Thanks, GFG!

  6. hey,
    i reckon just pray about it and you'll be fine

  7. This was really helpful! I've never been home schooled and have gone to a public school all my life but i'm going into high school next year and it will be A LOT different then elementary. (Giant school + idk how many teachers + lockers + etc = a bit scary) But i'm going to pray a lot about it, and i will definitely keep these tips in mind! ;) Thnx!

    1. High school is scary if you fall into the wrong things with the wrong crowd, but if you keep sight of what's important, it can be really fun! If you need any advice let us know. :)


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