

Oklahoma Vacation Photos!

I went to Oklahoma last week for what my mom called "camping". Honestly, I don't think staying in a cabin nicer than my actual home is considered camping, but whatever. I promised to share some photos with you, so here they are! This is pretty much the first time I've ever shared pictures of me or my family with y'all, so I hope you enjoy!
We drank sweet tea, played in the hot tub, drove for hours, and saw Madagascar 3 and Men in Black 3. The fact that I maybe kinda sorta almost teared up at an alien movie is pretty embarassing.
Also worth noting, I coerced my mom into buying The Lion King so we could watch it in the car on the way to the cabin. I'm happy. (Wondering what's in my suitcase?)


  1. I was wondering, did you take all these photos? They are amazing! :D

    1. Yes! I love photography. Especially selfies, haha. I think my mom took one of them. And thank you. (:


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