

How to Curl Your Hair the Natural Way

If you’re too busy to curl your hair in the morning, or if you simply just can’t afford the expensive hair products, there are numerous natural items that could help curl you hair, and you may even be able to find them in your very own kitchen or cupboards! Not only will these seven products give your curls more of a natural boost, they can also help nourish your hair and make it look more refined, sleek, and shiny as well.

Olive oil
Olive oil not only repairs damaged, dry, and brittle hair, it can also give your hair a sleek, natural-looking curl without leaving any of those annoying little frizzies behind. Take approximately half a cup of oil (or one cup if your hair is long and thick) and microwave it for a few minutes until it becomes slightly warm, (don’t leave it in the microwave for too long as it could burn your scalp as you apply it). Try to use a dark olive oil that is rich and/or has a high fat content for extra effect.

Aloe Vera gel
If you have some extra Aloe Vera gel lying around the house, apply it to your hair from the roots to the tips, (or the parts of your hair that are exceptionally dry), to give your hair a natural curl. Aloe Vera gel is also effective in taming any frizzies, and can leave your hair feeling soft and smooth. Another effective way of doing this is to use Aloe Vera plants or leaves, and then cut off the end of a leaf to extract the gel.

Believe it or not honey acts as a naturally conditioner for curly and/or dry hair, and contains numerous natural minerals and vitamins that can help your hair retain its moisture. Simply add one teaspoon of honey into a cup of water, and then after applying it to your hair let it sit for about five to seven minutes. Rinse your hair thoroughly afterwards.

Shea butter
If you’re hoping to give your natural wavy hair an extra “oomph”, then Shea butter may be the answer to all of your problems. Shea butter acts as a natural anti-inflammatory that can help treat scalp conditions like eczema, and it can also improve your hair’s elasticity as well. Furthermore, Shea butter contains natural sunscreen properties that could help protect your hair from any kind of sun damage. If you’re going to try applying Shea butter to your hair, make sure it is the type that is raw and unrefined ( which means it is extracted with water), and double check to see that it doesn’t contain any harsh solvents or chemicals.

Extra conditioner
This point cannot be stressed enough: If you have curly or wavy hair, then try to avoid shampooing every day and leave as much conditioner in your hair as possible. In fact, you should only be shampooing your hair once every two to three days because shampoo can dry out all the moisture from your hair and leave it looking brittle and limp. After conditioning your hair, wrap your hair in a towel for about 60 minutes so it forces a natural curl to your hair. (You can even try leaving the towel on overnight if you’re desperate).

Braid your hair
This is possibly the easiest, cheapest, and most natural way to make your hair look more curly. Braid your hair while it’s damp, and then sleep on it overnight. (The general rule of thumb is the tighter the braids, the smaller your curls will be). If you’re struggling to braid your hair by yourself, ask a friend or family to braid your hair for you.

Of course these results will vary from person to person depending on the texture and thickness of your hair, and it will usually require a trial-and-error process before you notice any immediate results. If your hair is flat or limp, then you may have to shell out the extra cash to buy some natural curling products, but try to avoid buying products that contain alcohol because they do more damage to your hair than good.

Bio: Alexis Posharo is a stay at home mom, freelance writer and representative for Home Security Systems, where she writes on the latest home security camerasto keep your family safe. Her hobbies include playing piano, practicing yoga, and curling up with a good book at the end of a long day.


  1. Oooh! We have a ton of olive oil and aloe plants around here, and I've never thought of using either of those in my hair. Thanks for the tip! Lovin' these ideas. :)

  2. I braid my hair almost every night. Yes, I am a bit obsessive but it is quick and easy way to get the curls:)

  3. I braided my hair last night and my hair was so cute today! Thanks Melissa!

  4. Brianne,
    I'm glad you're going to try out these ideas! Just be careful not to overdo the olive oil! You just need a tiny bit or your hair will get too greasy.

    Sweet Pea,
    I absolutely love curly hair.

    Your hair is always cute. ;)

  5. I love the braiding idea! Do you do just one long braid in the back or several?

  6. Courtney,

    It depends on your hair. One big braid will probably girl you loser curls, while several braids may look a bit more defined.

  7. I LOVEEEEEEEEE YOUR BLOG! especially this one! im already a curly natural but i love the ideas. some other hair healthy tips: before washing, use 1/4 cup of olive oil mixed with 12 drops of rosemary oil, place all over scalp and hair and let it sit for 15-30 minutes, then wash. this helps the hair grow longer and stronger. after washing (but before conditioning), i use aloe vera gel (the best is the one u have to refrigerate but others are fine too), then bathe or shave to let the hair absorb it in, then rinse it out with water and condition as usual (regular or deep). 2 great ways to enhance healthy beautiful hair at one time :) feel free to check out my blog!

  8. Do you have anything on acne? Like how to get rid of it?


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