

Can Smoking Give You Acne?

The news on smoking just keeps getting worse. You may have heard that smoking leads to premature death, lung cancer, and other problems. But did you know that it can also affect the way you look?
Smoking can give you dull skin and hair, early wrinkles, a deeper raspy voice, bad breath, and yellow teeth, but that's not all. A report in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology finds that smokers have more acne, which will continue into the adult years.
Of the adult women studied, a whopping 72.9% of acne sufferers were smokers. Even more interesting, researchers found a positive correlation between the number of cigarettes smoked and the severity of the acne.
If the health risks weren't enough, the toll on your looks is just another reason to steer cleer of cigarettes (and peers who might tempt you to try them).


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