

Cute Stuff I Found Today...

Saturday mornings are my days to sleep in, sip a Coke, reread Twilight, work on my blogs, and shop online. OK, so maybe it's more like window shopping. I don't usually buy things online (I like to try on clothes in a store to make sure they look good on me; this and the fact that I'm too cheap to pay for shipping.) However, I do look for tons of inspiration online. Yes, I am an inspiration-holic, if those even exist.
Today I (literally) stumbled upon an amazing teal dress for . The cut and length are just right, it's modest, comfortable, and it's a great color. It looks best on average-sized and petite girls since it gives you some girly figure even if you don't have one. The belt,, comes separately. The barettes,, are cheap and cute, the lipgloss ( is a pretty pink, and green eyeshadow ( is the most flattering shade of eye makeup.

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