

Guy Talk: Is Modesty Attractive?

"As a Christian guy, modesty is SO attractive. I don't mean attractive in a lustful way, but that to see a girl living out God's standards in her life really is beautiful. And you have no idea just how much you would be helping your Christian brothers by being modest. We're not trying to blame you for our impurity, that's between us and God, but you can do so much to encourage and help us in our battle by being modest."
 -- real teen guy, age 16


  1. Thank you so much for that comment! I wish every girl could hear that! That meant a lot to me! God bless!
    -A Girl for God! :D

  2. That's so encouraging to hear!
    Hi, I'm Bella.

  3. Hi, Bella! Thanks for stopping by Girls for God. I hope you decide to stay!

  4. this is really good


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