

Dear Melissa -- Lips & Sun

Just like the rest of your skin, your lips can get burned from being in the sun too long. The skin on your lips is very sensitive and actually burns easily, though you often don’t realize it. Keep your lips healthy and happy with a lip balm that contains 15 SPF (Sun Protection Factor) or greater. For the rest of your body, you should use a heavier-duty sunscreen.


  1. What's a good lip balm for sun protection? I know "Burt's Bees" is really good for moisture, but the highest SPF is 5 -- which is one third of what I need.

    Also what a good sunscreen? I have really oily/greasy skin and I would love something that I can just put on every day.

  2. Bath & Body Works has a lip balm with SPF 15, as does GAP clothing.

    I personally like Clinique Super City Block for my face. It's tinted to fade blemishes and is oil-free so it won't clog your pores. I would also suggest looking into Neutrogena's oil-free sunscreen.

  3. Thanks. I usually don't like tinted anything because if I rub my face it goes everywhere, but thanks for the info!


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