

Passion Web Mag Partnership

Girls for God has teamed with Passion Magazine for an ultra-cool partnership. This means both online communities grow and share. If you are a member of Girls for God, you can now consider yourself a member of the Passion girls as well. GFG and Passion will be featuring each others ministries and projects, encourage each other to grow in numbers and in faith, and lead more girls to life-changing relationships with Jesus Christ.
If you’re not familiar with Passion Magazine, you ought to be! Passion is a webzine for young women who have made the choice to give their hearts to the one true God. Monthly articles encourage girls to pursue Jesus – and be pursued by Him!
Ariel, editor of Passion Magazine, approached me with this exciting proposition. She requested an affiliation between our sites, and I immediately said yes. So, if you haven’t already, drop by and give the girls at Passion a note!

Your Sister in Christ,

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