

Extreme Makeover Kickoff

Who wouldn’t love getting a complete makeover? Imagine this scenario: a beauty expert sets you in a swivel chair and takes you from bland to beautiful. He shows how to get your glow going and your shine on. He takes your old, unhealthy self and whips you into a newer, better you.

That beauty expert is not Guido Palau, but – you guessed it – God. God? What does He have to do with beauty? you may be thinking. Since God created woman (Genesis 2) and invented beauty itself, He’s the biggest beauty expert ever. He knows exactly what makes a girl beautiful and He wants you to discover all the beauty secrets He has for you.
God probably isn’t going to give you catwalk hair or a perfect complexion, because He knows that’s not what real beauty is. Instead, He offers you the stuff that lasts – character, virtue, purity, and integrity. Your amazing new haircut will grow out in 6 months, and you’ll have to buy tons more Neutrogena products if you want that skin to sparkle, but the things God has in store for you will last forever. The best part of it? God offers his princess treatment for free.
When it comes to beauty, you often need to prep your hair or your skin before you can start getting into the deeper stuff. It’s the same way with Extreme Makeover: Heart Edition. We’re going to take this step-by-step, day-by-day, heart-to-heart, girl-to-God.
The first step of your journey to true beauty is taking all of this to God. Take your time and say this prayer out loud. Don’t just read the words – mean the words. Let the become your own words – your prayer to God.

Dear God,
I’m so excited about beginning my Extreme Makeover and becoming a woman of God. Open my heart so I can fully understand what you want me to take away from all of this. Give me the time to be committed to growing more and more like You. Change me from the inside out into who You want me to be. I give myself to You – my mind, body, soul, and heart are all Yours, God, forever. Fill me with Your Spirit and Your beauty.
In Your Holy Name I pray,

1 comment:

  1. that was a beautiful prayer and just the words i wanted!


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